Common breastfeeding concerns?  There's an app for that.

Common breastfeeding concerns? There's an app for that.

Pain.  Milk supply worries.  Sleep (and lack thereof).  A fussy baby.  Pumping.

These are common concerns during breastfeeding, and they’re perennial hot topics at breastfeeding and new mom support groups.  Of course, there are many books that cover these issues, too.

But what if you want quick, reliable information from a trusted source in your purse and on your nightstand any time of day or night?

Nancy Mohrbacher, author of many of the best books on breastfeeding money can buy, like Breastfeeding Made Simple, Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple, and Breastfeeding Solutions, has produced a new app for iPhone and Android devices that covers all the basics.  We spoke with Nancy last year in a podcast interview about night nursing.

Based on her book Breastfeeding Solutions, this app providing straightforward solutions to the 30 most common breastfeeding problems, from birth to weaning.  There is a “Solutions” section to help you pinpoint a problem’s cause, and for for answers to common concerns there is a comprehensive “Articles” section.  It’s ad free and not sponsored by a formula or other company.  Its creator is a board certified lactation consultant and is one of the most knowledgeable individuals on breastfeeding on the planet.

The Breastfeeding Solutions app sells for $6.99 and we think it’s one of the best investments you could make to ensure that you meet your breastfeeding goals.  You can find it at the iTunes and Amazon (for Android) and Google Play stores.

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